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Unframed Blog
| Jan 02, 2018
… Circle Skirts in Found In Translation Among the many architecture and design…
Unframed Blog
| Nov 14, 2017
… Fiberglass Innovations in Found in Translation Both San Diego…
Unframed Blog
| Oct 09, 2017
… The Afterlife of Mexico's Last Emperor Currently on view in the Resnick Pavilion, Found in…
Unframed Blog
| Mar 09, 2018
… This Weekend at LACMA This weekend, step into Found in Translation: Design…
Unframed Blog
| Jan 18, 2018
… Craft in California and Mexico: New Roles in Contemporary Culture The exhibition Found …
Unframed Blog
| Oct 11, 2017
… Master Works of Mexican Art in Los Angeles, 1963–1964 Currently on view at LACMA is Found in…
Unframed Blog
| Mar 19, 2018
… See L.A. In a New Light with a Self-Guided Driving Tour! Highlighting key sites featured…
Unframed Blog
| Mar 22, 2018
… Self-guided Driving Tour of L.A., Part Two Highlighting key sites featured in LACMA’s exhibition…
1922 | Woodcut on wove paper
Full Title: How Joshua Grübler found his way Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: ... Translated Title: Series Title: Collection Title: Periodical Title: Book Title: Portfolio Title: ... Monographic Series Subtitle Title: Translated Monographic Series Title: Plate Number: Volume Number Page: ...
1922 | Woodcut on wove paper
und Priska Translated Title: Series Title: Collection Title: Periodical Title: Book Title: ... wove paper Full Title: How Joshua Grübler found his way-Joshua and Priska Portfolio Orig Lang Title: ... Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: Manuscript Title: Monographic Series Title: Monographic ...
1922 | Woodcut on wove paper
Sterbebett Translated Title: Series Title: Collection Title: Periodical Title: Book Title: Portfolio ... wove paper Full Title: How Joshua Grübler found his way-At the deathbed Portfolio Orig Lang Title: ... Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: Manuscript Title: Monographic Series Title: Monographic ...
1996 | Lithograph in red and light gray
Artist: Allen Ruppersberg Ed Hamilton Hamilton Press Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: ... M.2001.208.1.4 Location: Not currently on public view Artwork Medium: Lithograph in red and light gray Full ... Title: No Potato Printing, Stencil Work, Block Printing, Lino Cuts, Wood Cuts or Prints from Found ...
1994 | Screenprint
Screenprint Full Title: Lost and Found Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition ... Artist: Diane Gamboa Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... Monographic Series Subtitle Title: Translated Monographic Series Title: Plate Number: Volume Number Page: ...
1927 - 1931 | Woodcut on smooth wove paper
Translated Title: Series Title: Collection Title: Periodical Title: Book Title: Portfolio Title: ... smooth wove paper Full Title: As Josua Grubler found his way Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio ... Translated Title: Edition Title: Manuscript Title: Monographic Series Title: Monographic Series Orig Lang ...
1984 | Found metal, plastic-coated wire, acrylic paint, paper cord, waxed linen
Artist: Debra Rapoport Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... Medium: Found metal, plastic-coated wire, acrylic paint, paper cord, waxed linen Full Title: 'Found ... Metal Neck Piece' Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: ...
1924 | Etching and aquatint on laid paper
Grabendurchstich (Auberive) Translated Title: Series Title: Collection Title: Periodical Title: Book Title: ... aquatint on laid paper Full Title: Found While Digging a Trench (Auberive) Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Der ... Krieg Portfolio Translated Title: War Edition Title: Manuscript Title: Monographic Series Title: ...
2010 | Offset lithography with silver ink overlay
Artist: Susan Silton Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Make-Ready: The ... Artwork Medium: Offset lithography with silver ink overlay Full Title: Make-Ready #7: Lost and Found ... (Echo and the Bunnymen), India Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: ...
2010 | (1) four-color offset lithograph
Artist: Benjamin Lord Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... four-color offset lithograph Full Title: fig. 11. pottery fragments found near the base of the tower. (vol. ... II [Humaliwo Chambers]) Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: ...
1843 | Marble
Artist: Thomas Crawford Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... Medium: Marble Full Title: Bust of Charles Brooks Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated ... Monographic Series Subtitle Title: Translated Monographic Series Title: Plate Number: Volume Number Page: ...
1940s, printed 1940s | Gelatin silver print
Robbert Flick a photographer whose work is also found in the Vernon's collection said: "I think ... Artist: Roman Vishniac Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... Translated Title: Edition Title: Manuscript Title: Monographic Series Title: Monographic Series Orig Lang ...
1922 | Relief print, letterpress
Wendy, ed. <em>Found in Translation: Design in California and Mexico, 1915-1985</em>. Los ... (The popular arts in Mexico) Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: ... Artist: Dr. Atl (Gerardo Murillo) Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: ...
2016 | Screenprint
× 20 in. (66.04 × 50.8 cm) Earliest Date: 0 Latest Date: 0 Curator Notes: Machine Project, founded ... Artist: Dakota Light-Smith Machine Project Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series ... Screenprint Full Title: Sesión Continua: A Porn Theater in Echo Park Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio ...
2015 | Screenprint
Artist: David Chathas Machine Project Jane Hong Won Choi Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated ... Artwork Medium: Screenprint Full Title: Sesión Continua: A Porn Theatre in Echo Park Portfolio Orig Lang ... Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition Title: Manuscript Title: Monographic Series Title: ...
1948 | Linocut
Confederation of Latin American Workers). Founded shortly after the TGP in 1938 by Mexican labor leader Vicente ... Artist: Leopoldo Méndez Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... public view Artwork Medium: Linocut Full Title: Assassination of Jesús R. Menéndez in Cuba (Asesinato ...
1948 | Linocut
Artist: Alberto Beltrán Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ... on public view Artwork Medium: Linocut Full Title: The Agrarian Problem in Latin America (El ... problema agrario en América Latina) Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition ...
circa 1956 | Gelatin silver print
Silvia Pinal in Rivera's Studio Portfolio Orig Lang Title: Portfolio Translated Title: Edition ... Historical Commentary: Handbook: Label: Bibliographic Entry: Kaplan, Wendy, ed. <em>Found in ... Translation: Design in California and Mexico, 1915-1985</em>. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of ...
1976 | Screenprint
Entry: Kaplan, Wendy, ed. <em>Found in Translation: Design in California and Mexico, ... Translated Title: Series Title: Collection Title: Periodical Title: Book Title: Portfolio Title: ... Location: Not currently on public view Artwork Medium: Screenprint Full Title: Humor in Xhicano Arte ...
1942 | Oil on canvas
imbibed only found their true home in the United States. <BR>As demonstrated by the first generation ... later in the writings and art of the surrealists, found an enthusiastic audience in America. Such new ... Artist: Emil Jean Kosa Jr. Tags * Alternate Titles: Translated Title: Series Title: Collection ...