Sojourner’s Rovers
Haleigh Nickerson

Haleigh Nickerson shares and revives the empowering legacy of the Sojourner Mars rover through local community engagement and explorative youth education with the project Sojourner’s Rovers. In collaboration with Watts Community Core, Nickerson will create a series of re-imagined, free-roaming rover artworks.

Haleigh Nickerson, Sojourner Notes Scan, © Haleigh Nickerson, photo courtesy of the artist
Haleigh Nickerson, Sojourner Notes Scan, © Haleigh Nickerson, photo courtesy of the artist


About the Artist

Haleigh Nickerson draws from her background as a filmmaker deconstructing the act of world-building as her work materializes in representational agglomerations that teeter between personal fantasy, archive, culture, and memory. Her photography, video, performance, and installations exist as compilations of emblematic images, objects, and symbols that coalesce into shifting spaces of identity. Dedicated characters are embodied in these realms, often in fantastical tribute to the strength of Black Womxn icons in American culture. Through this practice of reclamation, Nickerson offers visionary frameworks of survival, transformation, and care along the lines of race and gender in America.

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